Mini case 1: The limitations of 100 case histories of industrial mergers (DaimlerChrysler)
In May 1998 the German concern, Daimler, merged with Chrysler, America’s third biggest automobile manufacturer. In September 1999, The Economists reported on the state of the marriage. Noting that the deal was ‘hailed as an inspiration, because of the neat fit of the firms’ products and markets’ and that the logic behind the merger was ‘as impeccable as ever’, the newspaper highlighted some Post-merger setbacks, including:
- The defection of a stream of talented designers and managers’ to Ford and General Motors’ down the road in Detroit’
- The issue of selecting one location for corporate headquarters; sooner or later the company will have to choose between Stuttgart and Detroit
- Clashes of management style at board level; German managers preferred reading 50 page documents before key meetings, whereas their American counterparts did more talking and wanted less documentation before the meetings (it appears that the American style has prevailed)
- Different styles at lower levels of management about the presentation of reports (German managers are inclined to accept the reports researched by subordinates, whereas the American style is ‘look at’ them later)
No involvement for American designers in Mercedes cars
It is, however, remarkable to read that Daimler instigated a strategic analysis to ensure that the project was well planned and executed. This analysis reviewed 100 past mergers, noted that around 70% fail to achieve their goals, and concluded that the key to success lay less in price and more in strategic fit and post-merger integration. As The Economist reported: ‘The result has been a post-merger plan devised with great attention to detail, a dozen teams of managers from the two sides focusing on every aspect of the merged team; a specially designed database to monitor daily progress; and an attempt to ensure the backing of the board at every stage.’ In some respects the integration is running ahead of targets and in September 1999 it was anticipated that costs of around $1.4 billion would be saved by the end of the year. But, as The Economist said: ‘Although merging the two companies was never going to be easy, nobody expected it to be this hard.’
- Apa saja masalah yang dihadapi dalam penggabungan itu baik dari tingkat Top, Middle maupun Low
- Apa yang melatarbelakangi hal tersebut bisa terjadi (point 1)
- Apa strategi untuk mengatasinya
- Dilihat kasus Penggabungan/Merger Daimler dan Chrysler ada beberapa masalah yang timbul antara lain :
- Adanya perpindahan dari perancang desain otomotif dan manager yang mempunyai kemampuan tinggi ke perusahaan otomotif lain dalam hal ini Ford dan General Motors.
- Pemilihan kantor pusat setelah proses merger dilakukan, dimana Daimler berbasis di Jerman dan Chrysler di Amerika, hal ini penting untuk mendukung kegiatan perusahaan setelah merger.
- Masing-masing mempunyai gaya management sendiri dimana management dari Daimler (Jerman) umumnya mempelajari secara detail dengan membaca banyak dokumen dari pokok bahasan rapat sebelum rapat dilakukan, sedangkan management dari Chrysler (Amerika) lebih cenderung menyukai sedikit dokumen dan lebih banyak bicara atau diskusi sebelum rapat dilakukan.
- Perbedaan dalam hal pelaporan, dimana manager Daimler lebih condong menerima laporan dari level yang lebih bawah, sementara manager Chrysler mempunyai gaya liat laporan nanti saja.
- Yang melatarbelakangi masalah-masalah diatas dikarenakan kedua perusahaan mempunyai Gaya, Culture yang berbeda. Dimana level management membawa sendiri knowledge yang didapat dari pengalaman yang proses mendapatkan knowledge tersebut berbeda antara manajer Daimler dan manajer Chryler begitu pula dengan level pekerja lainnya.
- Strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk memcahkan masalah diatas,
Masing-masing perusahaan membawa sendiri Gaya dan Culture kerja yang berbeda, sebaiknya dicari titik temu atau merangkum sisi positip dari kedua Culture tersebut.